
In the transformative musical landscape of 1967, Elvis Presley etched his mark with a poignant rendition of “Stand By Me.” This classic, originally composed by Ben E. King, took on new dimensions as Elvis infused it with his signature style. Join us in revisiting the sonic time capsule of 1967 as we unravel the layers of “Stand By Me.”

Did You Know?

Did you know that 1967 was a pivotal year in music history, marked by the rise of various genres and cultural shifts? Elvis Presley’s rendition of “Stand By Me” during this period not only showcased his adaptability but also became a symbol of unity and solidarity during a transformative era.


Lyrics: Stand By Me

When the storms of life are raging
Stand by me
When the storms of life are raging
Stand by me
When the world is tossing me
Like a ship out on the sea
Thou who rulest wind and water
Stand by me
When I’m growing old and feeble
Stand by me
When I’m growing old and feeble
Stand by me
When I do the best I can
And my friends misunderstand
Thou who never lost a battle
Stand by me
Thou who never lost a battle
Stand by me

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